Kingston UMC Statement of Welcome 

Adopted by the congregation of Kingston UMC, February 10, 2019

Kingston UMC is a community of people who come from many places, embody different backgrounds, hold varying opinions, and find ourselves on unique spiritual journeys.

We believe that all people are made in the image of God, and we follow the way of Jesus Christ, who broke down boundaries and proclaimed the good news that all are invited and empowered by the Holy Spirit to enjoy God’s love and join in the pursuit of justice.


We join our voices with the welcome of God, whose love is inclusive and welcoming to all.

Welcome to those of all abilities, those with mental or physical illness, those who struggle with and are impacted by addiction.

Welcome to those who have been hurt by the church or healed through the church, those who question and those who believe. 

Welcome to all those whose identities are complex and who long for their stories of joy, sadness, fear, grief, gratitude, doubt, faith, or peace to be heard and held.

Welcome to neighbors, strangers, and friends; welcome to siblings, to single people and partnered people, to children and parents, to married people and divorced people; welcome to seniors and babies and those of every age in between.

Welcome to people of all countries, all colors, all cultures, and all classes.

Welcome to people of all genders, all gender expressions, all sexual orientations and identities.


You are welcome to join with us, an imperfect people who rely on God’s grace, as we work to create a space where everyone who enters in knows: You are safe here. You are worthy of love and belonging. And you are invited into full participation in our community of faith.
