AGES 6 and Up


Where Worship and Godly Play Meet

Kingston KIds


Sundays are always a joyful time, but the kids at Kingston are notorious for having the most fun of all. We believe that children are an important part of worship and are formed by their participation at church.

Children receive children’s worship bags during worship so they can interact with biblical themes discussed in worship. Additionally, there is a fully stocked nursery filled with books and toys young children can enjoy.

We love when kids participate, explore and play during worship. We do not mind if they make noise or even walk around during worship–the church is theirs too!

KUMC and PUMC have leaders who are trained in Godly Play. Godly play is designed to foster interactive bible-learning so that children learn to love God and one another. As we continue to develop our children’s ministry we hope to incorporate this knowledge into our children’s worship.