As a community, we have nine foundational values that are at the core of all that we do:

  • Ministry of All Believers – Kingston could not exist without the hands of many. We believe we are all called to a load-bearing role of the church and ministry in our lives through good stewardship of our time, talents, and gifts.

  • Creativity – We recognize that our creativity comes from God; we say yes to the wildness of God’s creativity in each of us.

  • Good Neighbors – KUMC seeks to be a church that if our doors closed, the community would notice. We strive to strengthen our roots by supporting the local economy and serving the people of Kingston.

  • Small Church Feel – Regardless of the size of our church, we desire that all feel known and have a place to belong. We focus on the importance of doing ministry out of meaningful relationships.

  • Tethered – Who we are and what we do are anchored to our identity in Jesus Christ. While other things compete to define us individually, as a church community we exist as a place to remind all people that there is a secure home in Jesus Christ, regardless of anything they have or haven’t done.

  • Hospitality – Our circle is always open and we all work to ensure that every person we encounter feels welcomed and loved.

  • Hope – We strive to embody the hope we find in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

  • Grace – Grace is offered to us through Jesus Christ, so we bring that same free to gifts to others.

  • Resurrection – We participate in God’s work to bring healing and new life where there are broken places.


Our history runs deep and our welcome is wide.


Our foundational beliefs

As United Methodists, Kingston UMC share a common heritage with all Christians. According to our foundational statement of beliefs in The Book of Discipline, we share the following basic affirmations in common with all Christian communities: 


God, who is one, is revealed in three distinct persons.


We believe in the mystery of salvation through Jesus Christ. God became human in Jesus of Nazareth; and his life, death, and resurrection demonstrates God’s redeeming love.

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is God’s present activity in our midst. When we sense God’s leading, God’s challenge, or God’s support or comfort, it’s the Holy Spirit at work.


Human Beings

Genesis 1:27 asserts that we’ve been made in the image of the Creator. Like God we have the capacity to love and care, to communicate, and to create.

The Church

The Church is the body of Christ, an extension of Christ’s life and ministry in the world today.

The Bible

We believe that the Bible is God’s word and the primary authority for our faith and practice.

God’s Reign

The Kingdom or reign of God is both a present reality and future hope.